Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How do I Get Rid of Cellulite on my Hips?

In this day and age, many people are quick to jump into surgery to fix anything they deem a "problem". People will also try any manner of creams, pills or other forms of therapy to try and fix their aforementioned "problem". Surgery is all good and well, as are the creams and other procedures. But they won't necessarily solve the problem or prevent cellulite from making a return.

Surgery as a last resort

Surgery is an extreme measure that should only be taken when everything else has been tried, and determined to be ineffective or unsuccessful. Far to many people view surgery as a minor thing, when in fact it is huge. Surgery puts the body through a tremendous amount of stress, more than it should ever have to endure, really. As a result of this, you shouldn't be thinking about surgery until you have tried every other option.

What's a good starting point?

The important thing to remember about cellulite is that it is only body fat. It is not some obscene growth or something that is unnatural to the body. When you view cellulite as unwanted body fat, as opposed to something far worse or ominous, reducing and/or removing it becomes a far less daunting task.

Everyone knows that when you want to decrease body fat, you need to reduce your food consumption by a reasonable amount, and embark on a cardiovascular exercise routine. For many people, eating less is hard enough. Maintaining a stable cardio routine can seem nearly impossible. But that's where they are wrong. Cardio is impossible if you think it is impossible. You may or may not be aware that the human body is far more durable and capable than you realize it is. When the mind gives up, the body gives up. And the body can go much further than the mind thinks it can.

So there you have it. A good starting point is eating healthy, and cardio. Cardio doesn't have to be running your buns off for fifty miles a week, it can be as easy as a 30 minute walk four times a week to start. As your body becomes used to that pace you will stop seeing results, so you'll need to keep challenging yourself. But don't think that far ahead. For now, focus on just starting a cardio routine. It can be as big or as small as you want, it just has to be something. Remember, cellulite is body fat. You can burn it off.

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