Cellulite reducing foods

A proper, healthy diet and a healthy exercise routine will make all the difference in the world when it comes to your goals of reducing cellulite on your body.  The key to making it all work for you is to understand what foods will help contribute to your cellulite reduction strategy.  I have compiled a list of foods that will make your life much, much easier when it comes to deciding what foods you should eat that will help you achieve your goals.

  • Cellulite Reducing Foods
  • Eggs, fresh fish, healthy nuts (non-salted)
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Asparagus and cabbage
  • Legumes and beans
  • High fiber foods like fiber cereals
  • Herbal tea (green tea is a personal favorite)
  • Water.  8-10 glasses of day are recommended.

Honestly, the most important part of any diet is water.  You need to drink the recommended minimum of 8 glasses a day.  Water is the most important part of any diet because more than anything, our bodies require adequate hydration.  Without it, your nutrition and exercise will be worth very little.  Even if you are making constant visits to the washroom, that's fine.  In fact, it can be almost therapeutic!

Fresh fruits and vegetables are a no-brainer.  They contain healthy carbohydrates, as well as anti-oxidants that will assist you in your cellulite reduction goals.  Leafy green vegetables are also believed to be linked to lower cancer rates, so eat up!

Foods containing Omega-3 fatty acids are an absolute must.  Not only do Omega-3's benefit your body in numerous fantastic ways, they also assist in maintaining a healthy weight when used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise plan.  In addition, they assist with brain function and may possibly be linked to improvements in memory.

  • Foods that cause or increase cellulite
Sadly, there are many foods that cause or increase cellulite levels on the body.  It's unfortunate that some of these foods are absolutely delicious!  It goes without saying that you can enjoy these foods from time to time, but should not enjoy them to often.

  • Fried anything.  Fried foods are an ultimate no-no. 
  • Sugar.  Sugar is empty calories that have no benefits.
  • Processed food.  Avoid it like the plague!
  • Cola.  Diet is okay, regular Coke or Pepsi is loaded with sugar.
  • Salty foods.  Some salt is okay, lots is bad.  It makes you retain water, causing a bloated appearance.
  • Anything with saturated or trans fats.
  • Sugar and cream laced coffee.  One cup of black coffee per day is fine.
  • Cheese.  It's okay in small doses.  But don't overdo it!

Fried foods are bad, and you should avoid them like the plague.  Sugar is okay in small doses, but is empty calories that will pack on the pounds fast.  Processed food contains all kinds of chemicals and man-made fats to increase its shelf life.

On the topic of carbonated drinks like Coke or Pepsi, you want to avoid the regular type and drink diet only.  The amount of sugar in a regular can of Coke is astronomical given its size.  A healthy diet will be completely ruined by sugary drinks.  Salt is another hot topic.  If you are healthy, it's not necessarily a bad thing, but overdoing it can lead to a bloated appearance as it causes the body to retain liquids.  It's worth noting that nearly all food contains salt.  Without it, most foods are bland and boring.

Man-made fats like trans fat should be avoided at all costs.  This means no more fast or processed food, as both will work wonders for adding cellulite to your body.  It may taste great, but it's slowly killing you from the inside out.  Cheese is fine, just make sure it is of the low fat variety, and don't eat to much of it.