Starting a cellulite-reducing cardio routine

Cellulite on the hips is body fat.  It's very important to remember that.  Because cellulite is fat stores, it is possible to reduce it by beginning a moderately intensive cardio routine.  The hardest part about this, of course, is that it can be difficult to motivate yourself to start exercising when you are used to an unhealthy lifestyle. 

If you find it difficult to motivate yourself to begin exercising (aside from the obvious benefits of having a higher quality of life and feeling great), think about it like this:  If you want two hours of TV a day, that's wasted time.  Try watching an hour and a half of TV a day, using the free 30 minutes to go for a walk, instead.  Or even better, go for an hour long walk and watch even less TV!  TV is terrible these days anyway, would you rather be a simpleton being entertained by moving pictures, or look great and dramatically improve your life?  I know what I'd chose.

Reducing cellulite is as easy as going for a walk.  Not only will that walk improve your health, it will also improve your self confidence, and elevate your mood as well.  Many people get so little exercise that they are completely unaware of the mood-elevating effects of exercise.  Significant exercise in one session causes the brain to release dopamine, the primary pleasure inducing chemical in the brain.  Your brain does this as a reward for treating your body to something it needs.  Every time you exercise, your brain will send the "thank you chemical" into your body, making you feel like you're on top of the world and ready to take on anything.  The longer and more intensely you exercise, the better you will feel.  Eventually, you start feeling great all the time, the effects of dopamine becoming even stronger as time passes by.

So why deprive yourself of the strongest natural high there is?  To watch some TV that does nothing but add to your cellulite?  To eat more food that your body doesn't need, that will just make that ripple on your thighs even bigger? 

The technique is simple:  Put on your shoes (and a jacket if it's cold out), walk outside, and start walking.  You put one foot in front of the other, fall forward onto the forward foot, and the swing the other foot in front, falling forward on to that foot.  To be succesful, you repeat this foot swinging and falling forwards process for about 30 minutes day, three or four times a week.

Congratulations, you've started to reduce your cellulite.  Feels great, doesn't it?