Sunday, May 8, 2011

Why is There Cellulite on my Hips?

An of-asked question is "Why is there cellulite on my hips?" Sadly, there is no one universal answer out there. There are many different answers, each with their own varying shades of smaller answers. It can all get quite confusing when trying to figure out why your hips have cellulite on them, and how to get rid of it. As I've explained before, the reason you have cellulite on your hips is because you have subcutaneous fat there that has become herniated, which is what causes the cottage cheese appearance. First, lets look at why you have fat there in the first place.

  • Poor diet
Poor diet is one possible answer to the "Why is there cellulite on my hips?" question. Because cellulite is body fat, the more fat stores you have, the more likely it is to become herniated. Women who are incredible skinny (featuring both a lack of body fat and a lack of skeletal muscle) are unlikely to develop cellulite on their hips, because there is not much fat that can become herniated. Of course, even skinny women can develop cellulite on their hips, so this isn't necessarily the answer to your problem.

  • Lack of exercise
Obviously, the key to remaining in good shape is to exercise regularly. The more you exercise, the better off your body and mind will be. People who do not exercise but have excellent diets can still have excessive body fat levels. It is in fact possible to get fat while eating healthy. The more low to moderate intensity cardio you perform, the more fat you will burn. When the fat isn't there to become herniated, you won't find yourself asking why do I have cellulite on my hips?

  • Excessive body fat
Obviously, excessive body fat is related to both a less than ideal diet and a lack of physical excercise. When you have excessive body fat stores, you are more likely to develop herniated body fat on the hips, which leads to the dreaded cottage cheese hips. The trick, then, is to follow a proper diet and excercise routine that will keep your body and mind healthy. It really is that simple!

  • Natural inclination
Sadly, some women are more inclined than others to develope cellulite on their hips. As mentioned above, even skinny women can develop hip cellulite, lending credibility to the idea that it is something that some women get, and something that some women will not get. If you have are naturally inclined to develop cellulite on your hips, you can still reduce or completely eliminate it through proper diet and exercise, you'll just have to maintain vigilant and always work to keep it at bay. In some regards, this is a blessing because it will keep you eating healthy and excercising. The ends result is you'll be healthier overall and live a longer, more fulfilling life!

Since we now have a basic idea of some of the causes of cellulite forming on the hips, we also have a basic idea of what we can do to reduce it without resorting to expensive and unnecessary surgical procedures. I will always be against surgery for something that can be "fixed" naturally by improving your lifestyle, so get to it, your body and your mind will thank you!

If you need some tips about healthy cellulite reducing foods, click the link on the right of this page, titled cellulite reducing foods.

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